Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Registering with the Board Of Education for Home Schooling

Greetings Queen, I saw that you homeschool and wanted to ask your personal opinion about registering a child with The Board of Education, for the purpose of homeschooling. I've homeschooled my 15 year old for seven years, using my own curriculum and never registered with The Board. He's now in high school and I'm now homeschooling my six year old daughter. This is my second year educating her! I never registered my son because I didn't feel the need to. I ask for nothing from the school board and I have a strong opinion about these state mandatory tests. I never had a problem with not registering with the board, but it seems that now, the board has a problem with me not registering. I'm always on my A game with my children and their education. I have a GREAT curriculum, I keep proper files and data of all work and activities. So with all this said, I've been asking all my homeschooling families their opinion about the situation. To register or not, is the question.
Thanks for your time Queen, PEACE

Sticky, sticky, sticky...the question of registering or not! Hmmmm...I guess it comes down to how much of a Quilombo your school is. I educate and rear my children in a Quilombo spirit...allow me to explain...

Harriet Tubman-Quilombo queen in the US

When our Afrikan Ancestors were brought to this hemisphere as captives they resisted captivity in any and every way possible. The highest form of resistance was to flee from captivity and to create their own societies on this land. These societies were created by merging with the Native Americans of these lands against their common oppressor. In the language of the people of the Kongo of West Afrika the young men's warrior society is called a Quilombo...this name was also used to describe the societies that our Afrikan and Native American Ancestors banded together to create as a stronghold of resistance and opposition to oppression , colonialism and imperialism. The most famous Quilombo by far is Palmares of Brazil which was founded by Dahomean queen AgoTime and ruled by the charismatic Ganga Zumba

and later by his nephew Zumbi

This is a revolutionary film about Palmares, known as Quilombo and above it is a movie about Ganga Zumba known by his name
I look upon the education of my children as a Quilombo, meaning it is a method of resistance. It is revolutionary. Its existence alone is a thorn in the side of the status quo. With that in mind, I deal with the authorities, also known as The Oppressor, the Slave Master, or Babylon, only when I absolutely have to. Otherwise, I render unto Caesar that which is his and I keep unto myself that which belongs to children. The more you allow the System into your life and into your school the more control they will wish to have. I registered my children ONCE in the 18 years that I have homeschooled. I had planned to do it at least two other times but it wasn't high on my list of priorities so I never got around to it. As far as standardized testing is concerned my eldest took the SAT and ACT when she decided to go off to college, did well and has been accepted at Fisk. She has taken NO OTHER standardized test in her life. I, much like yourself, find them to be unnecessary, biased, and a tool of the oppressor.
Nanny, leader of Jamaica's Quilombo
Mothering is a revolutionary act when done properly. Schooling is part of mothering. We do not have to bow or kowtow to any procedure that is not in the best interest of our children. I do not vaccinate, or circumcise or feed my children according to the four food groups because my research has shown these things to be detrimental to their highest good. I did not register them with the School Board or any other organization because none of them had my children's best interests at heart...they are day care facilities at best, and trainers of worker bees to build pyramids for the patriarchal white supremacist power structure at worst. I used the examples that I am placing in this blog as photos, as my examples of how to live life and how to raise my children... Our Ancestral Leaders of resistance against oppression from all over the world! I call them all Quimlombo leaders!

Kofi, Guyana's Quilombo warrior

We have to be as fierce, as strong and as determined as these Ancestors in our home schooling! Our children do not want watered down information or sugar coated affiliations with The Beast! They want the Truth and they want it from those whose duty it is to give it to them, US, their parents!

Bussa, Barbados' Quilombo fighter
Stand firm Mama, you are your children's example of how to view and deal with the outside world! You are their role model and their guide...your actions today will be your children's actions tomorrow...act wisely and as our Irquois Ancestors said consider the effect of all of your actions for the next seven generations, because that is how powerful, how influential, how elemental and quinessential you are in the lives of your children, their children, their children's children and on and are pivotal...act with that in mind!


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